
Facts That No One Knows - Random facts

There are various interesting things that you don't notice and don't know about them. So, here are the amazing facts that will amaze you. 1.) Beer cans in Japan have Braille on them so blind people don't confuse alcoholic drinks with soft drinks. 2.) A company in Taiwan literally makes plates, spoons, bowls and chopsticks out of wheat so you can eat your utensils.  3.) In German Village called Fuggerie, the rent hasn't been raised since 1520, it cost just $1 to live entire year. 4.) World's first selfie is taken by Robert Cornelius in 1839, it takes him 3 minutes to take a single selfie. 5.) When travelling overseas, the Queen does not require a British passport.

Unbelievable Facts About Sharks

The Sharks are the most beautiful creature on earth. The sharks have been around for 455 years which  much before the dinosaurs. These huge creatures are well known for their size and the amazing features they have. So, let have a look on some of the unknown facts about the sharks.   1.) Whale Sharks are the largest sharks in the world .    Yes, Whale sharks are the largest sharks in the world. These huge creature can grow upto  40 feet. 2.) The sharks teeth are as strong as steel . Sharks have very strong teeth. They even had a triangular as well as sharp teeth.  They have 35000 teeth in lifetime. Sharks also have good eyesight. 3.) Sharks do not have bones. The sharks does not have bones that why they don't leave fossils like other animals. But fossilized sharks teeth  have been found. The age of shark is counted by rings on their vertebrae.   4.) There are hundreds of sharks species around the world. There are various types of shark species in ...

5 Unique Facts That No One Knows

  In today's world people are running after money they are not able to look around and see the beauty of the nature. People should give time to themselves and try to interact with the nature. This beautiful nature will help us to explore, learn and grow. Yes,Today we will talk  about Animals which are part our nature. There are 7.77 million species of animal and here are some of the most amazing, interesting and unbelievable facts about animal that everyone must know.         1.)  The heart of Shrimp is located in its head.  Shrimp                       2.) The leech has both male and female organs in total they have 18 testicles and 2 ovaries. They have also 32 brains and 10 stomachs. Leeches   3.) Jellyfish have no heart, brain, bones or eyes. Box Jellyfish   are the world's most venomous jellyfish.   Jellyfish   4.)   The snakes don't have eyelids and there are...