Facts That No One Knows - Random facts
There are various interesting things that you don't notice and don't know about them. So, here are the amazing facts that will amaze you.
![Cans, Beer, Alcohol, Drink, Bar, Beverage, Pub](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/11/10/22/46/cans-526011_960_720.jpg)
![Augsburg, Fuggerei, Building, Bavaria](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2019/05/09/05/05/augsburg-4190424__340.jpg)
1.) Beer cans in Japan have Braille on them so blind people don't confuse alcoholic drinks with soft drinks.
![Cans, Beer, Alcohol, Drink, Bar, Beverage, Pub](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/11/10/22/46/cans-526011_960_720.jpg)
2.) A company in Taiwan literally makes plates, spoons, bowls and chopsticks out of wheat so you can eat your utensils.
3.) In German Village called Fuggerie, the rent hasn't been raised since 1520, it cost just $1 to live entire year.
![Augsburg, Fuggerei, Building, Bavaria](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2019/05/09/05/05/augsburg-4190424__340.jpg)
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